Saturday, February 16, 2008

I Hate This Basement; It's Like Truth Serum

The past few days have been rather filling. Yesterday I had to go to school for a performance of mine and one to watch, both hours apart from eachother. Rachel DeJulio and I were cast as nurse and patient for a small rehearsed-improv sketch about ethics in nursing. With me type-cast as patient, we came up with a "good idea, bad idea" skit where one nurse would be very brash, ornery, short-tempered, and would not give a damn about the patient. Nurse number
2 would be more empathetic to the patient and complete the tasks needed as well as efficiently give the patient what they request. We performed for roughly 400 people and didn't break a sweat.

Then I eventually went home and took a nap and afterwards returned to school to go see Fuddy Meers. I adored the show and loved the selection of music they used (Regina Spektor was playing when I walked in and sat down and they played Tegan and Sara, The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, and lots of other stuff as well). There is a matinee tomorrow and if you can get a stand-by ticket since the show is sold out, I highly recommend it. I really want to buy a copy of the play to have on hand for myself.

Today I stayed at home. I cleaned my bathroom when I had every intention of cleaning my room. I cleaned the downstairs bathroom as well. So now I did all those nice things that make guests think we have a clean house when they should know better than to assume.
Tomorrow should be an interesting day for me. I'm going to church, something I haven';t done in a long time. It's not that I actually have had an epiphany; I have a project. And this project requires that I do to some place of religious ceremony that I do not affiliate myself with. Thus, going to temple with the other yentas is not an option although I wish it were. Then on Monday, hopefully, I am going to church again only to a Baptist one with a preacher who apparently works comedy into his sermons and he's hilarious. I think humor is a great way to make your constituency grow so I will be delighted to see that.

I should go to bed though. God will pass judgement on me at 8 in the ruddy morning.

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