Thursday, February 7, 2008

And It's a Thursday and It's Only 9:00am

I have a leaf-blower in my throat. And every time I cough, it makes the trees twitch in fear. And it makes my eyes water.

I have made it through December and January without being too sick and I guess February's catching up all thanks to Nathan. If that bastard had stayed home and not snotted all over the trash cans and anywhere in the vicinity of where I breathe, I'd still be healthy right now. I hope the theraflu strip I took will help.

I'm stuck in the Wilson building this morning because it has chairs that cater to short people who like to have their feet touch the floor when they type. Plus they have the brand new Macs that have the paper-thin key board which makes my iMac want to commit seppuku more than usual. 

I read the school newspaper earlier and found that I can participate in a sleep study for a possible $400 which I could totally use. I can also participate in a memory study and be compensated but I'm not entirely how much but as long as I don't grow a third ear on my stomach, I'm fine with it.

I'm going to go bum cigarettes off of friends.

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