Saturday, January 26, 2008

Seven Days Makes One Weak

I haven’t been on my computer in two days. I feel a little weird. I missed some emails and some stuff on Facebook, but that’s generally it. I haven’t really missed much, but I did get to talk to my childhood friend Craig today and he’s coming out to Georgia sometime soon, which sounds extremely excellent. And he’s funny (and cute) as hell- just as exciting.

I haven’t achieved much in the past few days. I did see a man get sucked into an elephants asshole which broke the hymen of physics and split my stomach in stitches of Schadenfreudian laughter. I also saw Alanis Morissette’s version of the Black Eyed Peas “My Humps” which made me need to change my pants. And I played Mario on the Wii for hours last night and didn’t get home until around 5 in the morning.

I still have some studying to do tonight but I will postpone that probably so I can watch Waitress. I heard it was really good so I hope it lives up to expectations. I thought I was supposed to get the 1936 version of Sweeney Todd but I can wait on seeing that. I may actually start reading A Clockwork Orange. I need to feel literate this semester.

I also need to get back into writing so I may start writing some more short stories and comprise them into a book because I’m not devoted enough to write a novel and cannot continue one story idea for hundreds of pages. I have too many ideas and anecdotes to not have a small story composed for each of them. It’s either that or write a stand-up routine. Which I may consider.

On a final note, I have determined that Tuesdays and Thursdays are my favorite days because I have my English class, a 3-hour break, and then rehearsal. Mondays and Wednesdays are class, 1.5-hour break, class, class, and rehearsal. Fuck that Monday noise….

À demain!

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