Monday, January 14, 2008

24 Hours Makes One Dazed

I went to school at 8 and had Voice and Articulation at 9:30. My professor once again made the "smoking makes you larynx turn into beef jerky" mini speech. Although my favorite moment of my day was when she asked, "How can we keep our voices healthy when we're sick?"
Greg responds,"Smoke A LOT."

I went back to the circle and hung out there for a while. I refilled my new coffee flask with stolen extra bold Starbucks and ended up completely jittery the rest of the day. It was awful; I became so figgity.

I also made the mistake of calling Hillary Clinton the Hildabeast in front of one of her socialist voters today. I support Leon Trotsky.

Rehearsal went well. I have to master a Northern New England accent. It sounds like a blend of all the U.K. plus a dash of the Bronx. I haven't grasped it yet but it'll get better.

I've chosen my monologue for GA Renfest auditions. Julia from Two Gentleman of Verona, Act 1 Scene 2. I'm working on memorizing it right now but it should be ready by next weekend!

I guess that was my day. It was a doozy but vastly entertaining and enjoyable. Adieu!

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