Sunday, January 13, 2008

Couch Potatoed

I have acheived next to absolutely nothing today.

I installed Scumm VM on my computer so I can play the old-school Lucasart games without the gliches I've experienced without the software and have essentially played on them all day.

I shall receive my textbooks in the mail soon in the next couple of days hopefully and then will accomplish broadening my education so that will be healthy.

And I have rehearsal this week. I'm going to be very busy so I suppose it was beneficial for my mental health to have a vegetable day. At least I wasn't hooked up to a life preserver.

I read an article in Rolling Stone which was basically the staff bashing every Republican candidate in the run. It was amusing yet I'd rather it be informative and diplomatic rather than a childish "You smell cuz you do. You're a twit cuz you are" type deal. But it's the most liberal magazine in the country and they aren't about to be intelligent and respectful any time soon so there go my hopes and dreams. I'm not entirely Republican nor entirely Democratic but I often sit on the fence with every issue brought to my attention. Silently observing and listening to people's quarrels with the pro and con list. Albeit entertaining, it is not exactly the greatest of positions to put myself in. I could just be a passive activist- "You! Find a cause for meto support and join every organization for it. I shall live vicariously through you!"

I will probably now go forth and play Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis just because I can and after my kid sister goes to bed, I'll get on her computer and geek out on Neverwinter. Because I'm a beast of a cleric and don't you forget it.

Until the sun sets on the morrow, I bid you all a good night.

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