I get to school at 7:45, bum a Basic off a fellow future cancer patient and get started on an informal essay on the American class system (we don't really have one; it's very open to change and almost indefinable) that is due for my English class. It's difficult to start but I get it done, only to realize I could easily pan it out to six pages if I tie in Barbara Ehrenreich's cerulean liberal bias, Marxism, the Indian caste system, and my affair with Charles Darwin (I'll post that essay later). I hang out and smoked until 10:45 to head off to class.
Only to find out that my classmates were sitting outside the door and no one bothered to look at the "CLASS CANCELLED" sign. So I told everyone to leave.
That was exciting because none of my classes had ever been cancelled before. So I went back to the circle. Scott and I make the hajj to Gateway Newstand and buy cigarettes. But something catches both our eyes. There was something that was condomesque but not quite a condom…
It was a vibrating cockring.
So we leave in a fit of chuckles and chortles, Scott telling me how he should buy it and give it to Nathan. Then I say," No, lemme do it. I'll sit in his lap and give it to him."
An evil smile illuminates Scott's face as his left foot swings behind him and we walk back and smack the money down on the table to make our infamous purchase.
We trek back to the circle as I get into character as my alter-libido ego Slutbanwalla. We reach the circle and there is practically everyone we know or at least familiar with. And there's Nathan with his feet propped up on another chair. So I walk over with the bag in tow, perch really close on his lap and say, "Nathan, I have a present for you!" He smiles and chuckles, only to do a hilarious double-take that sends us into more uproarious laughter.
Hollis ended up taking it, made a quick trip to the bathroom to put it on, and returned to show us he broke it.
I also got a free dogtag in the student center.
I got the tree because it looks very similar to the kind of tree I want as a tattoo. It was either that, the Grateful Dead emblem, or the Darwin fish (which I would have signed the fake name "Baba O'Reilly" to get it but I didn't).
So at 3:25 I head to rehearsal only to find out it's cancelled for today and the rest of the week. Groovy. I didn't have to be at school at all today.
But I did manage to make it home in time to go vote in the primaries. I put democrat on my little form thing and, for me, it's either Hillary or Barack. And the Hildabeast's icey cold lesbian deathstare about scare the pants off of me, I'm stuck with Obama and I'm fine with that. I hope that if he wins the presidency, he does a good job and gets rid of No-Child-Kicked-In-The-Behind. That'll be a good day.
And now I feel like I've accomplished more than ever when, in actuality, all I've done is feel more patriotic. A tout a l'heure!
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