Big wheels keep on turning as my life and my time on the computer seem to muddle together into one miniscule congealed blob. I have enough time to have a basic social life but it does not necessarily entail time in front of a screen. For this, I continue to feel the guilt because blogging is something that brings me joy and, regardless of people reading it, it provides closure for me.
I feel this week has been a balance as most of my weeks are. I saw Avenue Q on Tuesday and it was a fantastic show. All the songs I've listened to for the past two years now make even more sense with the addition of puppets and actors. Although, there were a lot of geriatrics in the audience and that made me giggle. I'm sure quite a few old folks are hip but it is still very amusing to see them attending such a racy show. I sincerely thought there would be more twentysomethings.
Rehearsal is coming along very well. I have now tried on my costume twice. I am in a fat suit, so that's part of my Moby Dick advertising: Not only is it a great show but you get to see me in a fat suit!
I will have ginormous tits, hips, backfat, and a bustleesque ass. I told that to fellow castmate Brianna and she asked, "Can I sit on it?" To which I retorted, "It's a bustle, not a saddle."
Hopefully on my next fitting, I will bring my camera and take risqué photos of my costume because it is totally worth posting!
I have a rather eventful day on the morrow. Dentist appointment at 8 in the morning (which I wish was much later but alas), then I pick up Chris, rehearsal for run through, and then I haul Bruno's ass to Decatur for the Atlanta Storytelling Festival so I don't fail my Performance Studies class. I'm pretty psyched about the show because I get to see my friend Scottie perform. I found out, also, it was cheaper to go Friday night because I can work my feminine wiles to tell the box office people that I'm a member of the ATML mailing list and pay $8 instead of the actual $15 because I'm that cool as an actor. I want to go Saturday, though, since my castmates Andrew and Dru are performing and they're really good storytellers. Many of my castmates are part of the KSU Tellers and they'll all be performing at the festival, which makes me even more supportive and inclined to go to all performances. Alas, I am not rich (my parents are) and cannot go back and forth to fucking Decatur for performances. *sigh* I will definitely be auditioning for the KSU Tellers next semester based on everything I've heard about them. It will help out with me writing and getting involved in other genres of theatre.
But I look forward to going because not only do I get to see my friends perform but Chris is going with me so I don't have to drive alone in the dark and to a place I have no knowledge of. That's pretty cool. Plus it's always nice to have a buddy along for these types of things.
I have lots of papers to write and they will all nibble on my ass cheeks if I don't go do them.
À plus!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Church of England, Flight 537
Happy Easter. Happy birthday Rob. And happy belated birthday Walter Kovacs.
I once again have not been as diligent with updating as I promised myself. So in order to gain more readers, I am going to put the ultimate hook line down in bold lettering and I guarantee it is a true story. Ready?
I got to explain what the taint is to my Performance Studies professor.
That is correct. We were reading our poems out loud from the textbook and Brennan, a friend of mine, had chosen to present "Blue Ball Blues" by Jonathan Williams, which goes a little something like this:
O, Mr. Chemist, please let me buy
350 pounds of premium Kentucky KY
cause it's a dry season,
for the reason
Anglo-Saxon sex glands
Are awry…
Arise, arise, and come
to Perineum
("the more you come,
the more you can")
Let not your Sword sleep in your Hand
And we shall smear Petroleum
On England's Groin
& Pleasant Gland!
Karen (Robinson- my professor) analyzes the context of the poem. Just listening to stating with such passion and conviction that the speaker wants to have an orgasm sends me into a torrent of internal giggles. But then she asks what the "Perineum" is. Nobody knows except for me. I tell her the most eloquent, literal, anatomically correct response and she sort of gets it but nobody else gets it. Then I get slightly flustered and say "It's the taint!"
And of course now everyone gets it. Karen's confused and we explain why it's called the taint and she laughs. I love seeing scholarly people dip their toes in the gutter. It makes them seem normal.
And on some additional happy (albeit not as exciting for you) notes, I have tried on my fat suit costume for Moby Dick. I've got extra tits, extra, ass, extra hips, and backfat! I may actually turn into a whale.
Yesterday I went to Rob's for his birthday and laser tag.

It was one awesome day.

Rob is the most pathetic birthday boy I have ever seen.

I also finished Watchmen on Friday morning. It is an awesome comic that I'm going to have to read again. I may reread Hitchhiker's Guide as well for giggles. I don't remember a lot of it.
And I'm toying with a few ideas, the main one being me getting a job that would cater to my ridiculous schedule. I'd like to make some money so I can buy crap and gas to feed Bruno. I may give the waitressing thing a shot.
Adieu until next Sunday I suppose. It seems I update then.
I once again have not been as diligent with updating as I promised myself. So in order to gain more readers, I am going to put the ultimate hook line down in bold lettering and I guarantee it is a true story. Ready?
I got to explain what the taint is to my Performance Studies professor.
That is correct. We were reading our poems out loud from the textbook and Brennan, a friend of mine, had chosen to present "Blue Ball Blues" by Jonathan Williams, which goes a little something like this:
O, Mr. Chemist, please let me buy
350 pounds of premium Kentucky KY
cause it's a dry season,
for the reason
Anglo-Saxon sex glands
Are awry…
Arise, arise, and come
to Perineum
("the more you come,
the more you can")
Let not your Sword sleep in your Hand
And we shall smear Petroleum
On England's Groin
& Pleasant Gland!
Karen (Robinson- my professor) analyzes the context of the poem. Just listening to stating with such passion and conviction that the speaker wants to have an orgasm sends me into a torrent of internal giggles. But then she asks what the "Perineum" is. Nobody knows except for me. I tell her the most eloquent, literal, anatomically correct response and she sort of gets it but nobody else gets it. Then I get slightly flustered and say "It's the taint!"
And of course now everyone gets it. Karen's confused and we explain why it's called the taint and she laughs. I love seeing scholarly people dip their toes in the gutter. It makes them seem normal.
And on some additional happy (albeit not as exciting for you) notes, I have tried on my fat suit costume for Moby Dick. I've got extra tits, extra, ass, extra hips, and backfat! I may actually turn into a whale.
Yesterday I went to Rob's for his birthday and laser tag.
It was one awesome day.
Rob is the most pathetic birthday boy I have ever seen.
I also finished Watchmen on Friday morning. It is an awesome comic that I'm going to have to read again. I may reread Hitchhiker's Guide as well for giggles. I don't remember a lot of it.
And I'm toying with a few ideas, the main one being me getting a job that would cater to my ridiculous schedule. I'd like to make some money so I can buy crap and gas to feed Bruno. I may give the waitressing thing a shot.
Adieu until next Sunday I suppose. It seems I update then.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Who Watches The Watchmen?
I once again have that deep remorse for not regularly updating my blog as I promised myself I would. Unfortunately, and I say this as a devout Mac user, even the iMac has problems with some programs. That's why mine has the handle in the back so you can attach a chain and use it as a boat anchor.
Since my last post, the break that was Spring occureth and vanishèd like a belch in the fishbowl I spent an abundance of that time with Chris, Jessica, and Mike playing cards, watching movies, and going to different churches. I went to one in Town Lake that was called Embassy Metro Church and it was in a movie theatre and in the foyer of the theatre, they gave out mints, donuts, and coffee.

It was pretty snazzy and interesting, straight and to the point. I wouldn't go on a regular basis, obviously because I myself and more one for going to Temple but also because sometimes Christian music gets a little on the repetitive, happy side and my music needs to be more diverse and have something earthy to it. But I liked it just the same.
I also learned how to drive Professor Brüno, my 1989 manual transmission white Found-On-Road-Dead/Fix-Or-Repair-Daily pick-up truck with no AC or gas gauge, and shitty speakers. But I now drive him around on my own and it's a little weird now at first because I'm very accustomed to having someone in the car with me. I do rather like the alone time, however, because I can sing as loud as I want to while driving.
Last night I cashed in my rain check to hang out with Willy Mystik (my friend Brandon who is legally changing his name to that). We listened to oodles of Oingo Boingo, I tried gin, and we conversed about life, despair, happiness, and religion outside of Barnes and Noble. He mentioned Watchmen, a comic that he and mutual friends Hollis and Graham both liken to a better Bible, and I have been wanting to buy it but I am poor as the VH1 celebrity has-beens. I also went to that same store the other day and they were out of copies. We walked around the store for a while and he found it and showed it to me, then stated, "I'm going to buy this for you. You have to read it." Obviously, it's incredibly life affirming and eye opening. I just finished the second chapter today and am really enjoying it. I can only hope it gets even better.
As for today, I have driven quite a bit. I paid a visit to my friends at Kell and was literally floored when I saw Addison because he ran to hug me and next thing I knew, we were lying on the carpet. He kept me abreast of all the social drama in Kell drama and I pitched that everyone should come see Moby Dick and me in a fat suit. Mr. Hicks then asked me, "Are you the whale?"
It was good to see everybody and I felt slightly nostalgic but then was unbearably happy to get out of there. Sometimes high school is too much.
I am going out to celebrate my declaration of independence by imbibing Waffle House liquid crack with Lisa later on tonight. I haven't seen her in quite some time and could use some girl time.
Since my last post, the break that was Spring occureth and vanishèd like a belch in the fishbowl I spent an abundance of that time with Chris, Jessica, and Mike playing cards, watching movies, and going to different churches. I went to one in Town Lake that was called Embassy Metro Church and it was in a movie theatre and in the foyer of the theatre, they gave out mints, donuts, and coffee.
It was pretty snazzy and interesting, straight and to the point. I wouldn't go on a regular basis, obviously because I myself and more one for going to Temple but also because sometimes Christian music gets a little on the repetitive, happy side and my music needs to be more diverse and have something earthy to it. But I liked it just the same.
I also learned how to drive Professor Brüno, my 1989 manual transmission white Found-On-Road-Dead/Fix-Or-Repair-Daily pick-up truck with no AC or gas gauge, and shitty speakers. But I now drive him around on my own and it's a little weird now at first because I'm very accustomed to having someone in the car with me. I do rather like the alone time, however, because I can sing as loud as I want to while driving.
Last night I cashed in my rain check to hang out with Willy Mystik (my friend Brandon who is legally changing his name to that). We listened to oodles of Oingo Boingo, I tried gin, and we conversed about life, despair, happiness, and religion outside of Barnes and Noble. He mentioned Watchmen, a comic that he and mutual friends Hollis and Graham both liken to a better Bible, and I have been wanting to buy it but I am poor as the VH1 celebrity has-beens. I also went to that same store the other day and they were out of copies. We walked around the store for a while and he found it and showed it to me, then stated, "I'm going to buy this for you. You have to read it." Obviously, it's incredibly life affirming and eye opening. I just finished the second chapter today and am really enjoying it. I can only hope it gets even better.
As for today, I have driven quite a bit. I paid a visit to my friends at Kell and was literally floored when I saw Addison because he ran to hug me and next thing I knew, we were lying on the carpet. He kept me abreast of all the social drama in Kell drama and I pitched that everyone should come see Moby Dick and me in a fat suit. Mr. Hicks then asked me, "Are you the whale?"
It was good to see everybody and I felt slightly nostalgic but then was unbearably happy to get out of there. Sometimes high school is too much.
I am going out to celebrate my declaration of independence by imbibing Waffle House liquid crack with Lisa later on tonight. I haven't seen her in quite some time and could use some girl time.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
I Spy With My Little Eye Something Beginning With R: Regina
To commence the dawning of the break of spring, I went to see Regina Spektor at the Tabernacle with Hannah. Her gay Pagan friend had to flake out on us, so I made a few phone calls and had Prashaanth take the common place of pimp and male chaperone. We got there at about 7 after traffic and parking shenanigans and took our seats along the side of the first balcony.

Only Son (click for his website) opened at about 8:10. He was this lone lanky looking Jewish boy with a fro and nose to match who came out with this acoustic/electric orgasm of a guitar and played a solo act. He had a Perry Farrell esque singing voice with riffs akin to Smashing Pumpkins at times and one song that had a "Bron-Y-Aur" stomp feel to it. In the middle of his set he digressed, asking us if we noticed that he "fired his band [because] they wanted `money' to `feed their families'." He then decided to play with his iPod, which became a character in the act, He was a humble performer who thanked the audience after every song and had a good dry comic delivery. Did I mention how adorable he was?
This face with a yarmulke? I would totally bring him home to my mother and she'd not be surprised in the least. In short- he's grossly entertaining so check him out and make his album sales go up.
Prashannth went out to have a cigarette, came back and told us he'd "never seen such a collection of preteens and emo kids in one place" and I believed every word of it.
Regina came on to roaring applause and did a wonderful a cappella intro and after "Sailor Song" (my favorite), she said "Thanks for coming back!" Rightfully so, seeing as how she postponed the show twice.
Concert went on like this:
It looked like everyone had a good time. I wanted to find her after the show but it got cold standing out by the bus so we abandoned that idea and headed out.
Only Son (click for his website) opened at about 8:10. He was this lone lanky looking Jewish boy with a fro and nose to match who came out with this acoustic/electric orgasm of a guitar and played a solo act. He had a Perry Farrell esque singing voice with riffs akin to Smashing Pumpkins at times and one song that had a "Bron-Y-Aur" stomp feel to it. In the middle of his set he digressed, asking us if we noticed that he "fired his band [because] they wanted `money' to `feed their families'." He then decided to play with his iPod, which became a character in the act, He was a humble performer who thanked the audience after every song and had a good dry comic delivery. Did I mention how adorable he was?
Prashannth went out to have a cigarette, came back and told us he'd "never seen such a collection of preteens and emo kids in one place" and I believed every word of it.
Regina came on to roaring applause and did a wonderful a cappella intro and after "Sailor Song" (my favorite), she said "Thanks for coming back!" Rightfully so, seeing as how she postponed the show twice.
Concert went on like this:
- Ain't No Cover (a cappella)
- On the Radio
- Sailor Song
- The Flowers
- Baby Jesus
- Better
- Bobbin' for Apples (favorite song lyrics: "Someone next door is fucking to one of my songs")
- That Time
- Après Moi
- The Wallet
- Small Town Moon
- Music Box
- Human of the Year
- Poor Little Rich Boy
- Time is All Around
- Summer in the City
- Ghost of Corporate Future
- Us
- Field Below
- Fidelity
- The Hotel Song (which Only Son guest starred on as a beatboxer)
- Samson
It looked like everyone had a good time. I wanted to find her after the show but it got cold standing out by the bus so we abandoned that idea and headed out.
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